This month has gone by a little quickly for me. Maybe you could tell that by reading my title.
Thursday we went to the pumpkin patch. I took lots of pictures. Pictures which are now stuck on my memory card, because I can’t get my camera to acknowledge the existence of said memory card. Trust me, they’re cute.
This week has been kind of lazy. And by that I mean that we had to do school this morning, because we missed both Monday and Friday. Dreadful, isn’t it? I can’t remember my excuse for Monday. Yesterday my excuse was that I was running around town putting together pirate costumes for my little darlings. And then once I had the costumes, the boys wanted to dress up in them and go upstairs and play pirate for two hours, and who am I to complain about them playing nicely for two hours and leaving me alone?
Anyway, we had to do school this morning. But it was okay, except for the part where Stinky was crying over his work and Squeezy dumped out not only the dog’s dish, but also the pots and pans cupboard and the storage baskets by the front door. Other than that, though? Awesome.
My personal opinion is that it was worth it. Cuz look at my rockin’ pirate crew.
(This was yesterday afternoon. I told them that they could dress up as pirates again if they let me take them outside and take their pictures. After this, they went back upstairs and played pirate for another hour.)
If you can’t have random fun, what’s the point of homeschooling, right?
Anyway, thanks to this website and our community’s free clothing closet, I paid nothing for these rockin’ costumes.
The boys used some of their own money to buy the pirate kits from Walmart. Mostly they wanted swords. And Bubs wanted a patch.
Anyway. We’re not big into Halloween, but the kids have a lot of fun dressing up and conning the neighbors out of candy. And if people want to give my children candy, who am I to complain? Especially since we have good neighbors who fill those pumpkin buckets right up with Butterfingers and Snickers bars. Yum.
Not that I ever snitch my children’s candy.
In other news, we have begun the Great Christmas Music Transition in our house. Art’s mp3 player is completely switched over. And it’s not even November yet, isn’t that shameful? ;) Last Saturday night we loaded the kids in the van, pumped up the Christmas tunes, and went to Hobby Lobby to look at all the Christmas stuff. What can I say? We are fans of Christmas in this house.
I haven’t completely replaced all the music on my player with Christmas tunes, but I did put a few on. In case I’m feeling festive, yanno?
I am really excited for the month of November, which sounds kinda silly I think, but it’s true. Our family is participating in the 30-Day Giving Challenge again, and I’m all ready for it this year. I spent a few hours this week filling a jar with curls of paper.
And that’s why I’m ready.
The end.
(not really)
(I amuse myself)
Seriously, though. Each slip of paper has something to be thankful for (like “My Brother” or “Church”) and then a way to show gratitude through service. We’ll be doing one every day. I’m really looking forward to seeing what God does in our family as a result of this.
Also in November, Bubs is participating in NaNoWriMo. We set a goal of 600 words for him, and this week he’s been preparing to start writing. I cannot even begin to describe how excited I am. I’m such a dork. I think he’s going to be awesome.
Plus, at the end of November, hopefully, our family and my parents will be heading out to the middle of Nebraska for several days of being awesome in the middle of Nebraska. We did this last year for Thanksgiving too and it was so fun. We’re praying that it works out this year too.
So November should be pretty awesome.
I hope your weekend is pretty awesome, too.